A Common Sense Conservative Supporting Excellence in Education
World-class schools are possible.
Focusing On Academics
Imagine if we worked side-by-side with parents and teachers to provide every child a truly world-class education. What does it mean to be world class? Take our best math students, those in the top 14%. If they went to school in Singapore, they’d be considered average there. Our students deserve educational excellence, not just in math but in all subjects.
Jaime proposes that FCPS adopt a simpler, more rigorous curriculum, one that emphasizes the academic fundamentals of reading, writing, and mathematics. A simpler, more focused curriculum means students can achieve mastery and meet higher standards. We need to use proven programs in every subject, such as scientifically-based reading instruction. Jaime was the first candidate to release a policy proposal on any subject, and is proposing that teachers receive a $10,000 annual stipend for mastering the science of reading.
Becoming world-class is possible. It has been done before. Singapore wasn’t always world class. They worked for it. We can do the hard work, too. Jaime wants engage the entire community to pursue world-class schools for the sake of our children’s futures.
Raise Teacher Salaries By Spending Sensibly
Jaime believes our teacher salaries could be the highest in the state, but only if we pursue a fiscally responsible path that gets more money to teachers and classrooms. Less than half of our staff are teachers. Over the last four years, FCPS over-hired relative to enrollment, increasing central office by 37% at a time when enrollment only increased 7.7%. FCPS hired over 1,100 full time equivalent positions, yet class sizes have not decreased. This misallocated hiring reduced the money available for raises, which Jaime will prioritize.
The Freedom to Teach
Teachers and school based staff feel increasingly hamstrung by central office mandates. Teachers who get results deserve flexibility to customize their teaching to meet their students needs. Teachers are being asked to do far more than teaching, which is driving burn out. To ensure our schools are well-ordered, teachers need the ability to appropriately discipline students, instead being hamstrung by central office. Teachers should not be asked to be counselors, security officers, mentors, or part-time administrators. Jaime wants to properly allocate resources so that teachers can focus on teaching.
Special Education Collaboration
Parents of children with special needs find themselves struggling with the Individual Education Plan (IEP) process, which is often confusing, anxiety-producing, and intimidating. Parents often enter the room to face an entire panel of staff talking in education jargon. "You are speaking to me about the most important thing to me in the world--my child's future" one parent said, "and I don't understand what you are saying."
Jaime wants to make the IEP process more parent friendly and ensure students get the services they need. Her key initiative is to expand the range of services offered to include a full continuum of services, ranging from students with profound challenges to those with high anxiety or high functioning autism. Currently FCPS' available programs (Pyramid, Learning for Life, Expressions, and Rock Creek) only address a few categories of needs that leave too many gaps or do not have enough seats available. Jaime is open to partnering with non-public providers where needed.
Unlike her competitor, Janie Monier, Brennan does not believe that FCPS should be placed in charge of non-public providers like The Strawbridge School, a Maryland-approved program that runs independently. "FCPS has been sued by the Federal government for illegally restraining children and practicing seclusion in their special education programs. Given this history, why would we want to place them in charge?” Jaime asked. “FCPS teachers often feel hamstring by our central office and sometimes not supported. My opponent doesn't recognize that independence from FCPS often enables success."
Promoting Education Options
Frederick Classical Charter School, where Jaime served on the Board, is ranked #1 in Maryland by US News and World Report. Jaime proposes that all students in Frederick County get the opportunity to study in an excellent school like Frederick Classical. She proposes that all parents, regardless of income, be able to choose their children’s school. The best way to ensure that, she believes, is by empowering them to send their children to a public school, parochial school, charter school, or parent-run consortium.
Protecting Our Children
Jaime proposes that FCPS create its own family life curriculum, one that all parents here in the county find healthy and wholesome. The teachings of all faiths (or none) are respected, parents are informed of their children’s activities, and the innocence of all children is preserved. To bring this about, she proposes that FCPS strive to gain freedom from State-level curriculum dictates, and that parent representatives serve on FCPS’ curriculum committees. She also proposes that parents’ rights be protected through changes in policy.
Expanding CTE Programs
FCPS’ Career and Technical Education programs are very successful. Students who complete these programs are highly sought-after by local employers, so much so that many of them have jobs in the skilled trades lined up months before they graduate. Jaime proposes to expand these programs, so every student in the County who wants to enroll in them can do so. She’ll work with both FCPS and the County government to obtain the classroom space and skilled instructors needed to make that happen.